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Foamex Diamond Pods, a polystyrene waffle pod system, is leading the way in alternative concrete slab filling solutions, providing concrete slab support and increased thermal insulation. Using Foamex Diamond Pods, construction is quicker and more cost effective than traditional concrete slabs. Reasons for choosing the Foamex Diamond Pod polystyrene system over a traditional concrete slab include:

  • A traditional concrete slab can crack and move within the soil as a result of heat, humidity and wet weather. The Foamex Diamond Pod system will move with the building and absorb the pressure of the heave, leaving your slab in structurally intact.
  • Excellent insulation from the natural air pockets in the expanded polystyrene (EPS) and the specially designed moulded cells within the Foamex Diamond Pod.
  • Minimal earthworks are required as there are no internal trenches to dig.
  • Diamond Pods bring the house further out of ground – beneficial in areas that are more prone to wet weather – the higher the better.
  • Increased thermal “R” values from the house foundation being made up of insulating EPS with a layer of concrete over the top. This thermal mass then acts as an insulated bank.
  • Construction is quicker
  • More cost effective than traditional pours as less concrete is required
  • Work can continue in adverse weather
  • Less environmental disturbance as the slab sits on the site as opposed to in the ground
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